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Phytorid Technology

 Jun, 20 - 2014   technology

This Government has initiated two most important issues that is of Solid waste management and Sewerage System to tackle waste and waste water problem. This government is trying every effort to search technologies like this Phytorid, HDD, Microtunneling for the well fare of the residents of Goa and Ponda city.

This Phytorid technology is already implemented at kalian campus and university of Mumbai where the water is recycled and used for gardening and fountain purpose.

The technology is patented by Indian, Australian as well as European countries. The NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute) and Council of Sceintific and Industrial Research have authorized this technology.

A major project of 15 MLd would be coming for Ponda and Bandora area for which approval is under process . Meanwhile a small treatment plant using the natural resources is being established for people from these surrounding areas.

This is natural water purification process which does not use electricity / power, chemical dosing, heavy maintenance to purify water. It uses natural resources like plants, stones, pebbles etc. for purification of water.

The process involves following steps:

  1. Primary Settling Cell
  2. Secondary Advanced Filter Cell
  3. Tertiary Biological Wetland Cell
  4. Collection tank
  5. Irrigation

The technology has various patents like

Indian patent no. 241523

Australian patent no. AU 2003223110

European Patent no. WO 2004087584

And authorized license from CSIR/NEERI (Council of Sceintific & Industrial Research  & National Environmental Engineering Research Institute)

  1. Primary Settling Cell : in this water is stored and sedimentation process is allowed to take place.
  2. Secondary Advanced Filter Cell: It consists of pebbles / stones of different sizes arranged in the form of layer through which waste water is allowed to pass. Thus it acts like natural filter. It consists of various baffles that allow the passage of water through the chamber.
  3. Tertiary biological Wetland Cell(TBWC) : It consists of layer of gravel/stones/pebbles and layer of mud with plants planted like Elephant grass(Pennisetum purpurem), Cattails (Typha Spp.),Reeds(phragmites Spp.), Cannas pp.,Yellow flag iris(iris pseudocorus) that are normally found in natural wetlands with filtration and treatment capability. Further more some ornamental as well as flowering plants species such as Golden Dhuranda, Bamboo, Nerium, colosia etc. can be used for treatment.

The process involves biological , physical and chemical action of plants on the waste water. The plants supply oxygen from atmosphere through plants to root zone where particles of effluent / waste water get attracted towards the roots and are absorbed by roots as nutrients. Thus the process of aeration that is aerobic reaction takes along with anaerobic in a natural way. The processed water is later collected after passing through various baffles to the collection tank. This collected water is later used for purposes like municipal gardens, fountains, irrigation excetra as non potable water.