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Category Archives: projects

Pipe Bursting Technology




The corporation has initiated another new method of laying of sewer lines for Old, damaged , corroded lines and areas where higher diameter lines are to be laid for increased capacity is Pipe bursting and Cured In Place Pipe, rehabilitation techniques. All this work is done without disrupting existing services. The pilot project of 3 […]

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Microtunneling Work




Another milestone achieved of this corporation is introduction of Micro tunneling Technology for Railway track crossings, water bodies with wet land etc. Providing and laying of South zone sewer Trunk main under this technology is taken up for which the work is already started and has completed around 282 meters. This Micro tunneling can be […]

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Phytorid Technology




Presently Phytorid technology is also implemented at Vrundavan Gardens and surrounding areas, Ponda, Goa. The Phytorid  is natural water purification process which does not use electricity / power, chemical dosing, heavy maintenance to purify water. It uses natural resources like plants, stones, pebbles excetra for purification of water. The process involves following important steps: Primary […]

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