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Presently, House Sewer Connections are released by Public Works Department under two categories:

  • Subsidized ( For areas under Works Division XXI(PHE), PWD, Fatorda)
  • Non –Subsidized (For areas under Works Division XXVII(PHE), PWD, St. Inez

Procedure for Subsidized (Domestic) House Sewer Connection

  • The applicants residing in South Goa desiring to avail Subsidised Domestic House Sewer Connection are requested to visit concern PWD Sewerage Office, Works Division XXI(PHE), PWD, Fatorda, for any queries and collect the prescribed application form  and the Agreement for availing sewerage connection. The same can also be downloaded from the PWD website pwd.goa.gov.in
  • The visiting timing to collect and submit application forms shall be from 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and 2.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m. on working days.
  • Once the duly filled in application is submitted to the concerned PWD Sewerage Office by the applicant, the same is taken up for scrutiny at the Division/Sub-Division level and the compliance is sought from the applicant, if any.
  • The concerned Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer then conducts site inspection in the presence of the applicant on first come first serve basis, to assess the feasibility for release of sewer connection.
  • After the needful inspection and feasibility report, the applicant is instructed to pay the necessary charges towards the sewerage connection under this subsidized scheme, by Demand Draft/e-challan drawn in favour of The concerned Executive Engineer.  
  • Individual House/Bungalow        Rs. 5000/-
  • Apartments/Flats                          Rs. 3000/- (per flat)
  • Shops with toilet                          Rs.  2000/-
  • Shops without toilet                     Rs.  1000/-  
  • On receipt of the payment by the applicant, the .sewer connection is released.
Documents required for availing House Sewer Connection under Subsidized Scheme:-
  1. Self attested copy of latest paid house tax from Village Panchayat/Municipality.
  2. Self attested copy of latest paid water bill.
  3. Duly filled in Agreement Form in duplicate with two witnesses affixed with Rs 2/- special adhesive stamp (along with self attested copy of ADHAAR of the applicant)
  4. Site location plan.
  5. Affidavit on Rs 100/- stamp paper, duly notarized from Notary Public, in the prescribed Format
  6. Irrevocable N.O.C from land owner on Rs 100/- stamp paper, duly notarized from Notary Public, in case the proposed Sewer line crosses private property/land.
Procedure for  Non- Subsidized House Sewer Connection (Domestic & Commercial)
  • The applicants  desiring to avail Domestic/Commercial House Sewer Connection are requested to visit concern PWD Sewerage Office  (Works Division XXVII(PHE), PWD, St-Inez  for North Goa and  Works Division XXI(PHE), PWD, Fatorda – Margao  for South Goa) for any queries and collect the prescribed application form  and the Agreement for availing sewerage connection. The same can also be downloaded from the PWD website pwd.goa.gov.in
  • The applicant has to apply for  road cutting permission from the concerned PWD Roads Division, if required. 
  • The visiting timing to collect and submit application forms shall be from 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and 2.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m.on working days.
  • Once the duly filled in application is submitted to the concerned PWD Sewerage Office by the applicant, the same is taken up for scrutiny at the Division/Sub-Division level and the compliance is sought from the applicant, if any.
  • The concerned Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer then conducts site inspection in the presence of the applicant on first come first serve basis, to assess the feasibility for release of sewer connection.
  • After the needful inspection and feasibility report, the applicant is instructed to pay the necessary charges towards Security Deposit and the sewer connection charges by Demand Draft or e-Challan, as per the prevailing Notification.
  • The applicant has carry out the work of House Sewer Connection upto the Manhole at his own cost, from a licensed plumber / Contractor under the supervision of PWD. The Department then releases the sewer connection on receipt of the payment..
Documents required for availing House Sewer Connection under  Non-Subsidized Scheme:-
  1. Self attested copy of latest paid house tax from Village Panchayat/Municipality.
  2. Self attested copy of latest paid water bill.
  3. Duly filled in Agreement copy in duplicate with two witnesses affixed with Rs 2/- special adhesive stamp (along with self attested copy of ADHAAR of the applicant)
  4. Site location plan.
  5. Affidavit on Rs 100/- stamp paper, duly notarized from Notary Public, in the prescribed Format
  6. Irrevocable N.O.C from land owner on Rs 100/- stamp paper, duly notarized from Notary Public, in case the proposed Sewer line crosses private property/land.
  7. NOC from the PWD Roads Division.
  8. N.O.C from concerned Village Panchayat/Munucipality/CCP
  9. Certificate from the Registered Plumber/Engineer, who carried out the sewer work.