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Applications are invited for the post of Supervisor & Helpers

 Jun, 30 - 2016   news

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates by the Managing Director for filling up the following Non – Gazetted posts on Workcharge Establishment.
Reference No. SIDCGL/ADMN-14/5984 /16-17 Dated: – 24/06/2016

  1. Supervisor
  2. Helpers

The age limit for the above posts shall not be exceeding 45 years (Relaxable for Government Servants and reserved categories in accordance with the instructions or orders by the Government.)

  1.  The applicants should submit their application in the office of Managing Director, Office of Sewerage & Infrastructural Development Corporation of Goa Limited, Govt. of Goa Undertaking, Ishan Building, 2nd Floor, Opp. CCP, Panaji-Goa on or before 19/07/2016 between 10.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. excluding holidays along with two copies of passport size photographs, certificate of applicants birth, residence certificate for last fifteen years in Goa issued by competent authority, passing certificates and Mark sheets of educational qualifications, relevant experience Certificate, valid employment exchange registration card, Caste Certificate if any issued by Dy. Collector of Goa of the respective area in respect of reserved category. Candidates belonging to Physically Disabled, Children of Freedom Fighter and Ex-Service man Category may also apply with relevant documents/Certificate issued by competent Authority. All Photocopies of personal documents shall be self certified by endorsing the words on the copies “The Certificate is True Copy of the Original”. However the Applicant shall be require to produce original documents of certificate for verification at Later Stage.
  2. The applications received by the post after the prescribed date, incomplete and /or without the relevant documents as mentioned above, shall be summarily rejected. No correspondence will be entertained in any circumstances in this respect and canvassing in form will be liable for disqualification.
  3.  The applicant submitting their application in respect to the above notice through email should also submit their application in hard copy.
  4.  No TA/DA will be paid either for appearing the interview or for joining the post. Only applications of the candidates who are fulfilling the requirements as mentioned above shall be entertained.

The Managing Director reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process without any further notice and without assigning any reasons thereof.

Click here to dowload application