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Phytorid Technology

 Mar, 06 - 2014   projects
  • Presently Phytorid technology is also implemented at Vrundavan Gardens and surrounding areas, Ponda, Goa.

The Phytorid  is natural water purification process which does not use electricity / power, chemical dosing, heavy maintenance to purify water. It uses natural resources like plants, stones, pebbles excetra for purification of water.

The process involves following important steps:

  1. Primary Settling Cell
  2. Secondary Advanced Filter Cell
  3. Tertiary Biological Wetland Cell

through which filtration takes place.

This Corporation has initiated action to take up the technology of treating wastewater from individual houses to multi storey buildings, residential complexes / Cluster of houses etc. Many clusters of houses are coming in the Village and outskirts of township where this technology is more suitable.