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 Jul, 22 - 2014   Uncategorized

Sewerage & Infrastructural Development Corporation of Goa Limited


The Sewerage and Infrastructural Development Corporation of Goa limited was incorporated on 22nd February 2001 under the companies Act 1956. The organization became dormant in the year 2005. Later the organization was reactivated on 14th January 2008.

The objective of the organization was decided to develop sewerage facilities in the state of Goa as it was found the Goa State was lacking in sewerage facilities.

The responsibility was shouldered on the Managing Director was to make it functional and sustainable to take up the new works. Accordingly the Managing Director has worked out the initial project at Margao with the latest technology that is Horizontal Directional Drilling which was initiated at Shirvodem, khareband, Pedda and successfully completed and commissioned benefitting more than 5000 population.

Role of SIDCGL:

  • SIDCGL allows simplified channel for office procedures.
  • It permits easy access to loan facilities.
  • The policy matters are decided immediately by the Board of Directors.
  • Develop sewerage facilities with latest techniques.

Vision :

Achieve the goal of total sanitation by providing sewerage infrastructure in environmental friendly manner. And Zero discharge of waste water into the nature.

Need for Sewerage System:

1)      Sewerage system would provide safe and treated effluent which will be discharged into water bodies as per the norms of pollution control board.

2)      It will protect degradation of aquatic life and environment.

3)      The recycling of treated effluent for use of gardening, cleaning vehicles, utensils, floors, toilet, flushing, washing etc. will reduce the load on potable drinking water.

4)      The nearby water bodies will be protected so there would be no spread of water borne diseases and malodorous condition.

5)      Safe disposal, safe sanitary conditions would protect the dignity of human being. It  will avoid people from open defecation (pig system) under Health Act

6)      The necessity of the people from the project area would be fulfilled and it would reduce the load due to floating population of tourist on sewerage facility.

7)      The safe disposal, safe sanitary condition, clean and protective environment would provide boost to agricultural activities, fishing, recreation activities, tourism, trading etc. All this would create protective environment for people working at seaports, Airport, Navy, Shipyard units, jetties, Industries and workplaces.

Works undertaken by the Corporation:

The organization has then initiated projects in Sewerage Sanitation with latest technology like Horizontal Directional Drilling, Micro tunneling and rehabilitation under the guidance of the this government.

The HDD project works at Margao have been taken of about 50-60 kms length of sewer network in surrounding areas. Earlier 40 kms pilot has been completed and commissioned which gives boost to technology with minimum damage to Road surface and traffic congestion. Advantage of this technology is dust pollution is minimal, public grievances are less, inconvenience is reduced to minimum, less time for execution project compared to the open type excavation of laying of sewer network in other areas of the State.

Microtunneling Work-(View Video)

  • Another milestone achieved of this corporation is introduction of Micro tunneling Technology for Railway track crossings, water bodies with wet land etc. Providing and laying of South zone sewer Trunk main under this technology is taken up for which the work is already started and has completed around 282 meters.

This Micro tunneling can be carried underneath various permanent structures, utility, transport route, without affecting its services and strength of the structures. The carbon emissions are minimum, dust, noise etc. are minimal hence it is environmental friendly technology. The line and grade obtained for Sewerage works is very accurate compared to open excavation techniques.

Phytorid Technology-(View Video)

  • Presently Phytorid technology is also implemented at Vrundavan Gardens and surrounding areas, Ponda, Goa.

The Phytorid  is natural water purification process which does not use electricity / power, chemical dosing, heavy maintenance to purify water. It uses natural resources like plants, stones, pebbles excetra for purification of water.

The process involves following important steps:

  1. Primary Settling Cell
  2. Secondary Advanced Filter Cell
  3. Tertiary Biological Wetland Cell

through which filtration takes place.

This Corporation has initiated action to take up the technology of treating wastewater from individual houses to multi storey buildings, residential complexes / Cluster of houses etc. Many clusters of houses are coming in the Village and outskirts of township where this technology is more suitable.

Pipe Bursting Technology-(View Video)

  • The corporation has initiated another new method of laying of sewer lines for Old, damaged , corroded lines and areas where higher diameter lines are to be laid for increased capacity is Pipe bursting and Cured In Place Pipe, rehabilitation techniques. All this work is done without disrupting existing services. The pilot project of 3 kms is already tendered and taken up in Vasco area. Now it is initiated to take up 15 kms Sewerage line in Vasco city where the Sewage load is more, there are damages of existing lines which forces to adopt these technology for replacement. All this is done without affecting other utility services, business, road traffic, congestion and has minimal environmental impact.

Construction of  20 MLD STP at Vasco

  • The present STP is only 14 MLD and is more than 30 years old hence is completed its life .The town is also grown and is required to upgrade its capacity.
  • So a project is already  tendered for Vasco Municipality and surrounding Town area for Construction of 20 MLD STP for taking additional load of sewage generated in the Town.

Construction of 20 MLD STP at Margao

  • Another project proposal is tendered and work order is issued for Margao Municipality and surrounding areas that is Construction of 20 MLD STP for preventing contamination of River Sal and facilitate enhanced sewage Network of Margao city.      There are various other proposals that are planned to be taken and submitted for financial assistance. These projects are

1)   Sewerage Scheme for Navelim

2)   Sewerage Scheme for Ponda Bandora and surrounding areas

3)   Sewerage Scheme for Porvorim and Surrounding areas

4)   Sewerage Scheme for Cortalim and sub urban of Vasco city.

It is also planned to take up Sewerage Scheme to all 14 Municipalities and South Coastal Belts for which Detailed Project Reports are being prepared to avail financial assistance.

Supply of Vacuum Cars

  • The Corporation has procured and supplied four tankers to areas of Ponda Taluka, Porvorim , Mapusa, Calangute  and handed over to the respective sub Divisions of PWD for Operation as a step towards improvement of Sewerage facilities and maintain hygienic conditions in the areas. The initiative is a stop gap arrangement while the Sewerage Scheme for the said areas would be implemented in the phased manner with availability of fund or central government assistance.

Vacuum Sewerage Network for Margao Town-(View Video)

  • The Margao sewerage Network is being laid. It noticed that some parts of Network are low lying and hence is advisable to go for Vacuum Sewerage system where a negative pressure is used by vacuum pumps to suck the sewerage. The system is new and is first of its kind to be introduced in the State of Goa. The details like estimate, NIT, tender documents are prepared for tendering and financial approval.
  • The advantage of this system is that no need of maintaining the gravity system that is Inverted Level. The network can be laid freely as per topography or ground level. The depth of sewer Network is between 1meter and 1.5 meter only.


The corporation is strengthening by recruiting additional staff.

The goal of corporation is to achieve environmental up gradation and zero discharge of waste water.

I hope the cooperation of shareholders and staff will lead to achieve the goal.