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Sewerage scheme for Cortalim and its suburb areas in Marmagao Taluka – Goa. Part – II

 Jun, 19 - 2014   news

Need of sewerage Treatment plant:

1)    All the villages are having 100% coverage in areas of connectivity, health, education, power supply. Only they are lacking in sanitation coverage.

2)    The region is urbanized area with great tourism potential.

3)    Present disposal system leads to natural drain which is polluting the water bodies like Zuari River.

4)    The population of the region has shown steep increase which would increase the pressure on the sewerage system tremendously.

5)    The region possesses 24 hours of water supply hence the per capita use of water is also maximum thus there is need of upgradation from soak pit system to underground drainage system to efficiently dispose  sewage water generated after proper treatment.

6)    Water borne diseases are prevalent in the area due to contamination of water supply lines.

Salient features:

1)    Name of the project: Sewerage scheme for Cortalim and its suburban areas (Part-II)

2)    State & District : Goa & South Goa

3)    Project area :

i)   Chikalim
ii)  Chikolna
iii) Dabolim
iv) Issorcim
v)  Wadem


As per 2001 census: 19004





Stages considered




Projected population




Rate of water supply (lpcd)




Water Supply requirement in MLD




Waste water at 80% of WS in MLD




Total Sewage generated in MLD




5)Proposed Sewerage scheme:
10 nos. of Sewerage Zones.

Area Dabolim,Chikalim,Chikolna,Issorcim,New Waddem
Area in Sq km 24.614
Population year 2041 57579
Water supply requirement In MLD    8.64
Sewage generated at 80%WS in MLD 6.9
Total Sewage generated In MLD 6.9
STP with its capacity 1 No. of 1.55  MLD at Chikalim and 1 No. of 5.36 MLD at Issorcim
No. of Pumping Stations 12
Sewerage System proposed in Km 66240
Treatment process proposed      MBR
Cost  of  the  project  in (Rs crores) Rs. 245.6 Crores

IV)Location of STP in the area under project consideration:

The topography of the project area is mixture of mountainous region, Plateau region and low lands region. The region is covered from all three sides by Arabian Sea where the low lands are located the mountainous region lies in the middle. The area very uneven consisting of large difference in contours ranging from 2.5 m to 92 m from mean sea level. Apart from the topography the location point of discharge from the  intake of water is seen, the other utilities like land available, power supply facilities, road access and communication facilities etc. was considered to locate the sewage treatment plant.

The plants are proposed to be located at two places thus dividing the entire project area into 10 distinct sewage zones to facilitate the proper use of the sewage treatment plant and provide an effective collection system. The locations of the two plants are at

1)    Chikalim

2)    Issorcim.

V) Total Expenditure of the project:

Details of Project Cost:

i) Collection & conveyance: Rs 17597.32  Lakhs
ii) Pumping Stations : Rs      182.73  Lakhs
iii) Pumping mains : Rs      977.03  Lakhs
iv) Pumping machineries and Allied works Rs      177.36  Lakhs
v) Automation –SCADA SYSTEM Rs      600.00  Lakhs
vi) 1 No. Sewage Treatment Plant Rs    1637.12  Lakhs
vii) Sewage Disposal line including diffusion Rs.     110.25  Lakhs
viii) Miscellaneous Works Rs.     144.08  Lakhs
ix) Total 1: Rs. 21425.89  Lakhs
x) Add 3% contingencies Rs.     642.77  Lakhs
xi) Total 2 : Rs. 22068.67  Lakhs
xii) 1% for third party inspection Rs.     220.69  Lakhs
xiii) 1.5% for DPR preparation Rs.     331.03  Lakhs
xiv) 1.5% for Capacity Buiding Rs.     331.03  Lakhs
xv) Total 3 : Rs. 22951.42  Lakhs
xvi) Escalation at 7% Rs.    1606.60  Lakhs
xvii) Total cost for approval: Rs. 24558.02  Lakhs
xviii) Total cost for approval(Rounded): Rs. 24560.00  Lakhs
xix) Total cost of the project in crores:   Rs. 245.60      Crores

Vi) Project Implementation key milestones:

i) Collection & conveyance: Oct 2010 to March 2013
ii) Sewage Pumping Station  : Jan 2011 to June 2013
iii) Transmission mains : Oct 2010 to June 2012
iv) Pumping machinery & Allied works : Oct 2011 to Sept 2013
v) SCADA: Jan 2012 to March 2013
vi) STP(2 Nos.) : Oct 2010 to Sept 2013
vii) Sewage Disposal Line : April 2011 to Sept 2013
viii) Miscellaneous works : Oct 2010 to June 2013
ix) Construction Work: Jan 2011 to March 2013
x) Planning /Designing/Tender preparation : 2010 to 2011
xi) Installation & commissioning : January to March 2014
xii) Project Status : Provide list of approvals/clearances

Likely Impacts of the Project :

I)         Improve the sanitation condition  by providing complete sewerage network for conveyance of the sewage.

II)        Reduction in water borne diseases.

III)      Protecting the natural ecosystem of ZuariRiver so as to safeguard marine life and pollution of human food chain.

IV)      Improve the aesthetic appearance of the region.